Monticello Park HOA
I. Definitions
II. Property Rights
III. Membership and Voting Rights
IV. Rights and Obligations of the Association
V. Maintenance
VI. Insurance and Casualty Losses
VII. Annexation and Withdrawal of Property
VIII. Assessments
IX. Architectural Standards
X. Use Restrictions and Rules
XI. Easements
XII. Mortgagee Provisions
XIII. Declarant’s Rights
XIV. Dispute Resolution and Limitation on Litigation
XV. General Provisions
Exhibit “A” - Land Initially Submitted
Exhibit “B” - Land Subject to Annexation
Exhibit “C” - Initial Use Restrictions and Rules
Exhibit “D” - By-Laws of Monticello Park Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
I. Name, Principal Office, and Definitions
II. Membership: Meetings, Quorum, Voting, Proxies
III. Board of Directors: Selection, Meetings, Powers
IV. Officers
V. Committees
VI. Miscellaneous
Monticello Park HOA
Exhibit “D” - By-Laws of Monticello Park Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Exhibit “D” - By-Laws of Monticello Park Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
I. Name, Principal Office, and Definitions
1.1. Name
1.2. Principal Office
1.3. Definitions
II. Membership: Meetings, Quorum, Voting, Proxies
2.1. Membership
2.2. Place of Meetings
2.3. Annual Meetings
2.4. Special Meetings
2.5. Notice of Meetings
2.6. Waiver of Notice
2.7. Adjournment of Meetings
2.8. Voting
2.9. Proxies
2.10. Majority
2.11. Quorum
2.12. Conduct of Meetings
2.13. Action Without a Meeting
2.14. Action By Written Ballot
III. Board of Directors: Selection, Meetings, Powers
A. Composition and Selection
B. Meetings
C. Powers and Duties
IV. Officers
4.1. Officers
4.2. President
4.3. Vice President
4.4. Secretary
4.5. Treasurer
4.6. Election and Term of Office
4.7. Removal and Vacancies
4.8. Powers and Duties
4.9. Resignation
4.10. Compensation
V. Committees
VI. Miscellaneous
6.1. Fiscal Year
6.2. Parliamentary Rules
6.3. Conflicts
6.4. Books and Records
6.5. Notices
6.6. Electronic Records, Signatures and Documents
6.7. Amendment